

Event date: 3/3/2021 Export event
3rd Transnational Working Meeting
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3rd Transnational Working Meeting

03/03/2021 - On Line

The 3rd Transantional Meeting started with a welcome from the Project Coordinator “To Ergastiri”.  

The host partner “Na Pola Puta”, Aleksandra Janic, make a small presentation about their organization and their city Pancevo. 

There was a small presentation from the Project Coordinator with the subject of the Intermediate Report. Mr Kaltikopoulos presented on the Consortium the template on Budget Report and the templates of Finance Timesheets that need to be filled by each partner. Also based on the Projects Intermediate Report Platform he presented a few questions that need to be answered by the partners. The questions will be forwarded by Natasa Konidari by email to the Consortium. And it was decided that all of the above should be sent to the Project Coordinator by the 12th of March. There was a small discussion from the partners if it is possible to ask from the National Authority perhaps another extension on this Project. Spyros Kaltikopoulos suggested that firstly we have to show at the N.A. the Intermediate report and drafts from other Intellectual Outputs and then ask for an extension.  

ARI had prepared a presentation on IO1. Loukia Vassiliou presented the final version of the deliverable Intellectual Output 1. 

SIDiMA asked from all the partners to fill in the template with the data of each country stakeholders, so that Barbara Rizzi can send the newsletter of this project. Unfortunately because we are facing the GDPR we cannot do that. So Spyros Kaltikopoulos suggested that SiDiMa could just prepare the newsletters and then send them to the partners. Another point on Dissemination was that SiDiMa should sent a kind reminder email to the partners that are responsible for each month, probably a few days before the month starts. Also the idea was to send more contents by partners for more ideas to SiDiMa.  Each partner should send materials that should be included in 4 posts at the social media, by the beginning of month.  

At the end of this Meeting all the partners raised their concerns about the situation on COVID-19. Some of the deliverables cannot be accomplished by online meetings. For instance “Train the Trainers” has to be live if we want to achieve the best outcome of this. So that was a subject to be recorded on our Intermediate Report.

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